to look gorgeous and graceful all that you have to do is spend little time every day for nourishing and caring for your skin.
acne is a common problem faced by almost all teen-agers and youth.
Acne occurs when hair follicles are clogged by dead skin cells. Hair follicles produce an oil called sebum.
If this oil builds up in the clogged pore it becomes infected, and the hair follicle becomes inflamed. If the follicle bursts, the infected matter inside the pores spreads across the skin, infecting the surrounding area and creating new pimples.
Treatments for acne
Acne can and does cause enormous suffering for those who are affected by it, and needs to be treated as soon as possible. Early treatment should limit the severity of acne and prevent the physical and psychological scarring that can be caused by acne.
Treatments for acne
Available treatments for acne today include medicated cleansers, exfoliants, benzoyl peroxide, Retin A, topical antibiotics, physical treatments, oral antibiotics, intralesional corticosteroids, hormonal therapy, systemic corticosteroids, accutane, and natural treatment formulas.
Salicylic Acid:
Salicylic acid is a mild astringent that dries the skin and removes dead skin cells.
Salicylic Acid1
Topical antibiotic:
These kind of externally applied antibiotics are formulated as water-alcohol solutions, creamy lotion, gels, and ointment.
Topical antibiotic
They are very effective in mild-to-moderate acne and dry up pustules quickly.