you do not know, however, if it is all right to expose your baby’s skin to this brilliant sunshine, with no protection whatsoever, or if you must expose your baby to some sunshine: after all, you have heard of Vitamin D and you have some idea that you can only get it from direct sunlight.
What do you do?
Can you take your baby out into the sun or not? Can you use sunscreen for your young baby? Will it do any harm? How else can you protect your baby’s skin during the summer?
Remember, your baby’s skin does not produce enough melanin for protection, and therefore, you must provide the protection that your baby’s skinneeds during the hot summer months.
Here are a few tips that will help you along:
Make sure that your baby is kept fully clothed when you step out of your house, and that no part of her skin is exposed to direct sunlight. Not only are the sun’s rays harmful because they cause sunburn, but you are also putting your baby at risk for melanoma, a hazardous form of skin cancer, caused by direct exposure for prolonged periods of time to the ultra violet rays of the sun.
If you do have to take your child out into the sun, you can try to avoid the period of time between 10 AM and 4 PM, because this is the period when the sun shines at its most brilliant, and also the time when the UV rays will be at their strongest.
You can try using stroller hoods for your baby, or, on the other hand, use hats to keep your older child covered. If you have no other choice, you may use some
If your baby does get sun burnt by some chance, bathe her immediately in lukewarm water. This will help cool the skin. If you have aloe Vera in hand, apply this to the affected areas. If the symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
A constant irritant during the summer months is diaper rash. Never let the nappy area remain wet; always keep it dry, and use talcum powder liberally on the areas to keep baby smiling and happy.
Your baby is also prone to developing heat rashes on the folds of her skin during the summer months. These are present as small red boils, and you have to remain wary of these developing into full fledged rashes by wiping all sweat away constantly with a soft baby cloth and making sure she wears fresh and cool clothing.
You can give your baby daily baths to keep her fresh and dry and rash free during the summer months.
Remember, your baby’s skin has to be protected, especially during the first year of her life, and you can do this with the help of these tips.
You can also ask your friends and relatives how they handled the problem, and there is no reason not to enjoy both the summer and the baby as much as possible.