A Squat a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

There is a posture that is used frequently in many parts of the world and has been severely neglected by those of us in the West (unless you’re a baby).


Master Yogi

This missing posture, the squat, has a plethora of health benefits. It keeps the hips open, works the low back, the legs, and tones the organs of the digestive system. I once told a friend who was constipated (yes, I have conversations about all sorts of things) to squat for several minutes. Voila! This trick works like a charm.

There’s no need to go to a yoga class in order to do this pose. While practicing it at home, take your feet at least hip width apart. Squat down and take your knees wide so that your chest and torso has room to come down between both legs. Usually the feet don’t come down to the floor. If this is the case, place a rolled blanket or towel underneath the heels to keep you stabilized and enable you to stay there for about a minute. To go deeper into the stretch, reach your hands out in front of you on the floor. At the same time keep your tail(bone) descending downwards.