Hair loss is a common phenomenon. Normally, we loss about 100 hairs per day. There are numerous factors that contributes to the causes of hair loss like stress, hereditary reasons and diseases. The average life span of hair generally ranges from three to four years. Though this time might also vary because of hereditary reasons. A sudden change in environment also contributes in hair loss. However, you can combat hair loss with numerous hair loss treatment. You can fight back with the problem of hair loss if you know the reasons behind them.
Causes of Hair Loss
General causes: As it is already mentioned that hair loss occurs when the lifespan of a hair ends. After the next six months the place the replaced with new hair. Sometimes styling also contributes to hair loss like blow drying, shampooing and brushing. Aging is another factor that causes massive hair loss. It is said that after the age of 30, the replacement process diminishes due to age. In most of the time men suffers from hair loss at a much faster rate compared to women.Hereditary causes: Abnormal genetic factors contribute to hair loss. One of the common genetic problem is the incapability to replace the hair loss occurring naturally. Thus, the gap is never filled up and in some of the extreme cases a person can go bald at a much younger age. The cause is further dependent by three factors like gender, age and hormone. It is seen that this genetic factor affects men more compared to women. Aging is another reason. Variations in hormone causes hair loss. Pattern baldness is linked with testosterone hormone.
Stress related causes: Stress can cause hair loss. Excessive emotional or physical stress generally contributes in two types of hair loss. The first type is telogen effluvium and is very severe. In this type the growth of the hair is stopped and lies dormant that falls after a long gap of three months. The replacement process also takes equally more time that might range from six to nine months. The other type is called alopecia areata where the white blood attacks on the follicles of the hair. The hair falls within patches, usually. But sometimes it involves the entire scalp and in extreme cases body hair. Though the hair grows back. But it is important to start with hair loss treatment as quickly as possible.
Medicinal side effects: There are medicines that have side effects and causes hair loss. Prolonged intake of these medicine might cause baldness. For example chemotherapy causes hair loss as the skin and the hair remains exposed to strong ray used to kill the harmful cancer cells. During pregnancy, also most of the women suffer from massive hair loss. This is because the body experiences some hormonal changes that continues after child birth also. The use of birth control pill also contributes to hair loss as a side effects. If you are suffering from hair loss, you must act immediately by consulting a doctor.