Makeup rules which you must follow

The entire women believe only that they be required to do make up however not at all consider in relation to its exact technique to apply. A fine make up is that which go well with your skin tone and your features organization. For this reason the blush make up is more successful if it is be appropriate according to its accurate means. In reality blush make up is used to search out the normal seem.

Rule one to apply make up

So if we sum up the first make up rule so we came to end that your make up should be as normal and natural as you can and use only the colors which are relevant to your skin tone.

Rule two to apply make up

Earlier than applying all the make up on your skin there are a lot of things that you need to consider. The most important rule is to know about which sort of skin you have. There are a lot things which you need to know about your skin like if your skin cool or warm, hard or soft. So first which this out and then go a head to check it first.

Also check the color of your skin and then select the color for your skin such as if you have pale or yellowish skin then pastel colors would be the best for you. For all those people who have dark skin color darker tone is better.

Rule three to apply make up

All those who have fair skin they have a margin to apply the blushers which are n powder form. The good thing about powder blusher is the look more natural and more normal so just apply all these rules on your skin and see what wonders you could do with your makeup.

Rule four to apply make up

Another make up tip which you must apply on your makeup is to add in lip gloss. Light or pastel lip glosses are always good to use. You need to apply lip gloss more perfectly then ever and for that just apply gloss on your lower lip and then plum it on your other lip.